box cutters, ice axes/ice picks, knives, meat cleavers, razor-type blades, sabers, swords, baseball bats, bows and arrows, cricket bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, pool cues, ski poles, spear guns, ammunition, bb guns, compressed air guns, firearms, flare guns, flares, gun lighters, gun powder, parts of guns and firearms, pellet guns, realistic replicas of firearms, starter pistols, axes and hatchets, cattle prods, crowbars, hammers, drills and drill bits, saws, tools larger than 7 inches, billy clubs, black jacks, brass knuckles, kubatons, mace/pepper spray, martial arts weapons, night sticks, nunchakus, stun guns/shocking devices, throwing stars, blasting caps, dynamite, fireworks, flares, hand grenades, plastic explosives, realistic replicas of explosives, aerosol, fuels, gasoline, gas torches, lighter fluid, torch lighters, strike-anywhere matches, flammable paints, turpentine and paint thinner, realistic replicas of incendiaries, chlorine for pools and spas, fire extinguishers and other compressed gas cylinders, liquid bleach, spillable batteries, spray paint, tear gas, beverages in containers larger than 3 oz., gel-type candles, gel shoe inserts, flammable liquid/gel/aerosol paint, and finally, snow globes and similar decorations.
it goes without saying that i'm pretty disappointed that i have to leave my brass knuckles and meat cleaver behind.
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